Why am I losing a lot of friends on Facebook?

Have you ever wondered, “Why am I losing a lot of friends on Facebook?” Let’s face it, we all want our Facebook friend list intact.

After all, it’s the only space we can flex our possessions to ex-high school bullies. Therefore, a reduced friend list can get us worried.

But today, your questions will be answered, and you’ll again start gaining friends on Facebook. So, let’s go and find out, shall we?

Why am I Losing a Lot of Friends on Facebook: 4 Top Reasons

The answer to your question, “Why am I losing a lot of friends on Facebook” is simple. It’s because your Facebook posts aren’t attracting your acquaintances anymore.

But why isn’t it attracting your friends?

Well, I have the answer; let’s find out:

1. You Have an Ulterior Motive

NO ONE LIKES TO GO ON FACEBOOK AND SEE ANOTHER AD POST. There, I said it. So, if you’re on Facebook trying to sell all the time, your friends may block you.

People don’t want their friends to emotionally blackmail them into buying stuff on social media. Thus, trying to sell things on Facebook will make people drop you like a New Year ball.

However, if you want to use Facebook as a marketing tool, create a Facebook group for your products. Moreover, keep your friends out of that group and try and reach out to the broader market.

2. Your Always Politics, Politics and Politics

To Each, Their Own” Have you ever heard of this term? If not, then let me tell you its meaning.

The term above means everyone has a separate thought process and view. Thus, constantly going on Facebook and claiming they’re wrong will affect you.

It’s better to keep your thought on your own and let others lead their lives. Unless someone tries to come and tries to intervene in your personal space, you don’t have to get all political.

Let the Democrats and Republics fight in the USA conress while you have a good time on Facebook.

3. You’re Competitive or Keep Picking Fights

I know we all like to flex. But if your Facebook posts are all about your money, penthouse, and cars, PLEASE… people will cut you off.

Moreover, a hate group is already dedicated to you if you demean others on Facebook. Also, posting negative stuff about your Ex-best friend and boyfriend might make you feel good.

However, that won’t make your friends feel good about you. So, it’s better to keep to yourself on Facebook and post what NORMAL PEOPLE DO. You’re Welcome!

4. You are Oversharing

Why would you want to go LIVE at your Grandmother’s funeral? It’s one of the primary signs that you’re a narcissist. If you must know, people don’t like narcissists in their Facebook friend lists.

And soon, people will start dropping you off their friend list. So, it’s better to keep your private moments out of Facebook and share a relatable meme sometimes.


What Can I post On Facebook that’ll make people Like me?

You can post several things on Facebook to earn likes and popularity. And they are:

  • Posts on trending topics that everyone is talking about
  • Tips and tricks on how to survive a boring day at work
  • Your pictures from the latest trip you’ve had
  • A relatable Reel that might garner you likes

Why can’t I find my relatives on Facebook?

If you can’t find your relatives on Facebook, there are three reasons:

  • You’re entering your relatives’ names wrong.
  • Your relative has blocked your account.
  • Their profile is hidden.

You can contact your relative and ask them to share their profile with you. If they do so, you can add them. However, if they hesitate, chances are they’ve blocked you.

How can I make more Friends on Facebook?

You can make more friends on Facebook by doing the following:

  • Add people from your “Friend Suggestion” list.
  • Make relatable Reels on your page to gain popularity and friends.
  • Make more connections on other social platforms and ask them to add you on Facebook.

So, these are the three ways of enhancing your Facebook Friend list.

Why am I losing a Lot of Friends on Facebook: The Conclusion

I’ve stated all the possible reasons for losing friends on Facebook. In short, if you’re a narcissist or dull dud, you’ll lose friends on Facebook and in real life.

So, stop thinking, “Why am I losing a lot of friends on Facebook.”

if you want to be popular on social media, add like-minded people and sail your friendship boat. Best of Luck!
